RIGHT OF ENTRY: The buyer and buyer’s customer, and their customers, or any applicable regulatory agency will have the right to enter the sellers facility to perform inspection or ensure compliance to the contract.

ACCEPTANCE of this order, or the initiating of any process, or the furnishing of any product / service, or the acceptance of payment, constitutes unconditional acceptance by the seller.

AMENDMENTS to this order, or ElastaPro terms and conditions shall be set forth in writing (via PO revisions or communicated via email), and / or revisions to the purchase order (PO) terms and conditions. ElastaPro will consider the sellers request of modification of, or exception to, only if such request is made in writing, prior to the acceptance of the order (ref. acceptance clause).

PRICE as stated on this order covers all goods and services to be provided by the seller as specified in the PO. These prices also cover all charges for packaging, containers, and transportation, unless specifically stated otherwise on the face of the order.

SHIPMENT of goods and services under this order shall be determined at the time of order and will be communicated on the purchase order. The seller shall follow buyer’s instructions regarding method of shipment, as stated on the face of the order.

SCHEDULE for delivery will be the responsibility of the seller. The seller shall not be held liable for damages in respect to delivery delay due to causes beyond seller’s reasonable control. However, if the seller does not meet the delivery date as depicted on the face of the order, the buyer may approve a revised delivery schedule, or terminate the order without liability for such termination.

HAZARDOUS MATERIAL seller agrees to furnish the applicable material safety data (SDS) sheet(s) with each shipment, for products designated by industry, state, or federal agencies as hazardous material.

PACKAGING AND PROTECTION of the product shipped shall be in accordance with the ElastaPro PO or best commercial practice to protect product from damage, deterioration, or contact with FOD (foreign object debris/damage).

CANCELLATION shall remain the right of the buyer and may be initiated at any time.

QUALITY ASSURANCE: The supplier shall comply with the ElastaPro Quality System requirements as specified by the ElastaPro Supplier Survey or purchase order. The Supplier agrees to implement and maintain the Quality or Inspection System during the performance of this contract.

Any ElastaPro material furnished to the supplier shall be lot controlled while in the possession of the supplier and no substitution may occur. By acceptance of the purchase order the supplier agrees to furnish Corrective Action in response to a material rejection by either ElastaPro. or ElastaPro’s customers. The Supplier further agrees to notify buyer of change of facilities or changes in Quality Organization management.

An authorized Certificate of Conformance is required with each shipment. Process suppliers shall furnish a complete Certificate of Conformance with each shipment indicating the PO number, specification number and revision, name of supplier and quantities accepted and rejected.

The supplier is not authorized to perform Material Review action of nonconforming material. Supplier shall notify ElastaPro quality department of any
of the following occurrences:

● Nonconforming product
● Notification of changes in product, process, or suppliers
● Notification of offload or outsource of the product or service being requested

The minimum Quality System requirements are to have an ISO 9001:2015 compliant system unless otherwise specified on the PO. Production related records are to be maintained and retrievable for a minimum of five (5) years unless otherwise specified on the purchase order.

NONCONFORMANCES: Upon acceptance of a ElastaPro purchase order, the supplier agrees that ElastaPro is entitled to reimbursement of ElastaPro labor and material costs associated with seller responsible nonconformances and damages.

FOD: The Supplier shall have a documented FOD Control Program in place for the purpose of prevention, detection, and removal of foreign objects. The Supplier is responsible to ensure that ElastaPro receives clean, undamaged, and contamination-free product.

COUNTERFEIT PARTS: ElastaPro is committed to providing the safest, most reliable machined parts and sub-standard and unreliable parts present a serious threat to our reputation and ultimately to our customers. ElastaPro requires that its supplier take steps in identifying and eliminating risks associated with sub-standard and counterfeit parts. Counterfeit parts are defined as a suspect part that is a copy or substitute without legal right or authority to do so or one whose material, performance, or characteristics are knowingly misrepresented by a supplier in the supply chain.

AWARNESS: The supplier shall have an awareness policy that ensures personnel performing activities on ElastaPro orders and products are aware of their role in producing the service order activity, understand the importance of product and personnel safety, and know the importance of ethical behavior.

SUB-TIER FLOW DOWN: The supplier further agrees to flow down ElastaPro and / or ElastaPro’s customers’ requirements to all sub-tier suppliers involved in the delivery of the product or service.